At Amplio, one of our passions is to give voice to the refugee community. Our stories put names, faces, and real life experiences to these human beings that have been typecast and relegated to little more than a label by news and political rhetoric.

When interviewing for these stories, one of our favorite questions to ask is, “If you could tell the world one thing you think they should know about refugees, what would it be?”

Last year we shared ten of our favorite answers. Now, we’re sharing ten more things our employees, clients, and partners want you to know about refugees…


“Have understanding. Know where they’re coming from, and where they are now. Everything we were doing in [our home countries], we can do it here.”Aline Macumu, Refugee (Amplio Employee)


“They don’t just want your clothes or food pantries— they want friendship. That’s something they don’t receive when they move here. They often segregated and by themselves.”Roman Khripunov, Amplio Business Development Representative, Houston


“They are incredibly talented.” -Ryan Fitzgerald, Decatur City Church (Amplio Client)


“We often assume that [refugees] need us more than we need them, which is untrue. We have a lot to offer our refugee friends to help them get on their feet, but they aso have so much to offer us if we have the eyes to see it.” –Michael Funderburk, For the Nations (Amplio partner)


“Give us exposure and we [will show you we] are capable.”Robe Kumsa, Refugee (Amplio Employee)


“Without a doubt, if you interact with refugees you will discover they are pretty much just like you.” –Dennis Page, Gateway of Grace (Amplio partner)


“Refugees are people. And people, in general, [just] want to be able to provide a good life for themselves and their families—and be given a fair shot.” –Karen Hall, Gates Corporation (Amplio Client)


“They are hard workers, human beings, and productive citizens.”Yonten Basnet, Amplio Atlanta Recruiting Coordinator


“They are some of the most humble, caring people I’ve had the privilege of meeting in my entire life.” –Cody Lagana, Storr Office Environments (Amplio Client)


“Refugees are often defined by their worst experience. They are so much more than that. We need to remember that people who can rebuild their lives after these kinds of tragedies are remarkable and that alone is a skill.” –Stephanie Ali, New American Pathways (Amplio partner)