Construction Resources is a one-stop resource with an unmatched line of products and industry expertise. They provide builders, designers, remodelers, general contractors, property managers, and homeowners with all major specialty building and design products, along with best-in-class installation and aftermarket services.

“The team over at Construction Resources is top-notch,” shares Amplio Atlanta Managing Director, Stephen Assink. “They care deeply about their people and want nothing but the best for their workers. It is truly a pleasure working with them.”

We asked Construction Resources Team Lead, Nestor Suarez, about their experience with the refugee workforce. Here’s what he had to say:


Why did you reach out to Amplio for help with your staffing needs?

“It’s always hard to find people who are going to stick with it for the long run. We heard about Amplio and thought it would be worth a shot. Since then, we’ve had great hires across the board from Amplio— hard workers every time.”


What challenges have you had to overcome?

“Communication had to be improved on our side from the beginning. Simple things such as how to read a tape measure, and convert from metric to standard are now part of our onboarding process. But every one of the guys we’ve hired from Amplio has picked it up quickly, and have been eager to learn.”


You most recently hired on Abakar as a permanent employee. Tell me about him.

“Abakar has been a hard worker from day one, and always has a good attitude. We’ve moved him around into other positions to keep him busy, and he picks up everything quickly, while staying positive. He is respectful, saying ‘Yes, of course’ and ‘Whatever you need, I’m here’ whenever we ask anything of him. We originally hired him temporarily, but couldn’t let him go, so we hired him permanently!”


What would you say to any company considering the Refugee Workforce?

“Hiring refugees is a great step for any company. Every person coming from Amplio has been skilled, hardworking, and a quick learner. Who wouldn’t want that?”


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If you’re one of many American companies looking for dependable employees, we can help. Currently, we provide staffing in Atlanta, Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston, Raleigh-Durham, and Detroit. Contact the office nearest you today for a quote.