I was recently interviewed on Atlanta business radioX about the work we’re doing staffing Atlanta companies with the refugee workforce. I had the opportunity to speak about Atlanta recruiting and skilled labor staffing specifically discussing the connections we have with healthcare staffing, maintenance staffing, and agriculture staffing. We are becoming more and more known forJob placement in Atlanta and have plenty stories to share about the experience this far. The radio station was interested in the obvious win/win scenario we’re creating for Atlanta companies, helping them hire great talent, spurring local economy, decreasing unemployment rates, and placing refugees into fulfilling work. We discussed many of the challenges we face with being an Atlanta recruiting firm and one that specifically focuses on refugee employment. I told the story of one refugee from Ethiopia we helped get an interview with a local software development company. The interview went well until they asked the refugee to take a test to confirm the level of experience he had with this particular software platform. The test was obviously, on a computer however, in his learning and even teaching this software platform in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, he had only used a blackboard and chalk. He was very experienced with the platform but had no ability to use it within the computer program! We’ve experienced some very interesting challenges in the Refugee staffing line of work, but we believe it pays off for everyone involved when it all works out. We discussed a few positive stories and hope to appear again in the radio show with a few CEOs who have hired refugees in Atlanta sometime soon. This opportunity allows us to continue to get the word out about our Atlanta recruiting processes and positions us as experts in our industry. Thanks for your support that has allowed us to serve in this capacity. Stay tuned!