At Amplio, one of our passions is to give voice to the refugee community. Our stories put names, faces, and real life experiences to these human beings that have been typecast and relegated to little more than a label by news and political rhetoric.

When interviewing for these stories, one of our favorite questions to ask is, “If you could tell the world one thing you think they should know about refugees, what would it be?”

The question is usually met with a thoughtful sigh or an, “Oh, wow,” as the interviewee attempts to choose just one thing to share about this remarkable community.

Today, we’re sharing their answers to bring you ten things you should know about refugees.


If I could tell the world one thing they should know about refugees, it would be…


“They have dreams. Goals. Families. They also like to have fun. They are serious about their faith. They have trials and triumphs. We make them one-dimensional, but they’re complex, whole, human beings.”

-Stephen Assink, Amplio Atlanta Account Manager



“We have been through many things. But we are fighters.”

-Mandah Chimgeew, Refugee




They are the most joyful people I’ve met, even though they have been through such deep tragedy.”

-Chris Chancey, Amplio Founder & CEO




They really need help. Understand the refugee community, and if there’s any assistance you can offer [them], it would be very awesome.”

-Omega Thompson, Liberian Refugee




They are resilient. They flourish, given their challenges. They are working hard and making a life for themselves even amidst people not being friendly to them.”

-Nate Hill, Amplio Raleigh Managing Director




“We are human, like everybody else. It doesn’t matter if we’re American, Asian or African—we’re all human.”

-Imran Haider, Afghani refugee



“The biggest reason we have fear and ignorance regarding refugees is because we don’t know any of them. 85% of refugees never cross into an American citizen’s home in their lifetime. If you go out of your way and get to know them, you will completely change your mind from what the media, president, or anyone else thinks. Be intentional.”

-Luke Keller, Amplio Partner & Business Development Director


“Seize every opportunity you have to befriend a refugee. They are easily the most selfless, determined, and strong people I know… Not to mention, they make the most amazing meals!”

-Abby Davis, Amplio Dallas Managing Director




There are a lot of hard workers, but not enough opportunity.”

-Banny Javed, Pakistani Refugee




“Refugees care about the same things we care about. They fear the same things we fear. We may speak different languages and have different cultures, but we all desire to love and be loved.”

-Jessica Darnell, Community Engagement Director at Refuge Coffee



Join in the conversation. What would you tell the world about the refugee community? Send us an e-mail to to let us know.

What if you could increase your business’ efficiency and dependability while helping refugees? At Amplio Recruiting, we are staffing companies with the talented refugee workforce. Visit our website at to learn more about our services and benefits.