Is your logistics and warehouse company prepped for a record year but can’t seem to get off the starting line? The problem may be people based. Are you understaffed? Are productivity goals being met? Is turnover high? If the answer is yes, you are like a Formula 4 race car with one flat tire. Amplio Recruiting, a staffing company with a different approach, can help you change that tire and get you blasting down the track.
Recruiting entry level warehouse and logistics workers at a time of nearly full employment is exceptionally challenging. Today’s competition makes it difficult to find dependable and productive staff. Increased HR time, unplanned OT, excessive training time, and mediocre productivity are not only costly but also destroy customer relations. Amplio Recruiting has a unique and effective approach to this problem. Our labor source has a different take on work. We recruit from the area’s refugee community.
An industrial warehouse in Dallas, TX experienced sales that were threatening to outstrip production. The problem? The HR team was unable to keep up with staffing demands on the 2nd and 3rd shifts, leaving forklift trucks parked instead of contributing to the operation.
Within one week of signing a contract with the company, Amplio Recruiting had assigned four licensed forklift drivers to staff openings on both shifts. Shortly after the arrival of the drivers, three packers were dispatched to keep up with the new level of productivity.
The refugee workforce solved HR’s dilemma and brought the company’s production to unexpected levels. The company was so satisfied with the performance, it invested in additional training and certification for them to allow advancement to wire cutting and receiving positions.
All refugees recruited by Amplio Recruiting have been vetted by Department of Homeland Security, are legal residents, and possess valid Green Cards and Social Security accounts. We confirm this using E-Verify. Roughly half speak conversational English and many have post-secondary education. However, their real value to an employer is their perspective. By definition, they come from a land that threatened them and their families. To them, the U.S. represents incredible freedom and opportunity. What native born Americans take for granted, refugees see as a gift. That perspective results in a highly productive work ethic. They show up on time, dressed appropriately, highly motivated, ready for work, eager to learn, and welcome overtime. And that is the kind of work force you want.
Learn how workers from this community can resolve your productivity issues and get your company moving at top speed. Amplio Recruiting currently has staffing agencies in Atlanta, Dallas-Fort Worth, Raleigh-Durham, and Houston. Contact us today and let’s discuss how this unique labor resource can make your job easier.